Non Surgical, Regenerative Treatment for Joint and Nerve Pain

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Take Small Steps to Get More Exercise & Feel Better

If you’re out of shape and struggling to start a new exercise routine, there’s an easy way to fit more physical activity in your day.

Think about the activities that naturally get your blood pumping — taking the stairs rather than the elevator, vacuuming the carpet, walking the dog for five minutes, or parking farther away from the store and walking across the parking lot. Do one or more of those things each day to add more activity to your routine. After a couple of months, you’ll feel stronger when you do those things. That’s the first step to starting an exercise routine.

Once those activities feel easy and you have more energy, step it up with a longer dog walking session, or take the stairs at work a little faster. Each activity only takes you a few minutes, it accomplishes a task, and it gets your body feeling positive about exercise.

Living an active life is possible, but it requires making a few small adjustments in your everyday life. If you’d like to talk about more ideas for starting an exercise routine, call my office to schedule a consultation.

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"Here at Campbell Health Center, we are dedicated to helping you get out of pain and get back to feeling great again.

Call us and tell us about your health issues and set up a consultation to discuss the treatment that will best get you back to optimum health.

We promise to sit down with you, face to face, and be attentive, present, focused and actually listen."

Campbell Health Center

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(832) 243-7713
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