Non Surgical, Regenerative Treatment for Joint and Nerve Pain

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Regenerative Cellular Tissue Houston

How Are Our Regenerative Cellular Tissue Treatments Different Than Traditional Stem Cell Therapy?

Introducing Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative cellular tissue can be undifferentiated cells, cytokines, growth factors, collagens, proteins, peptides, or other components needed to regenerate injured tissue. Cells exist in our bodies naturally. However, they age with us, and as we age, there are fewer of them in our bodies. The ones that remain lose much of their healing ability. This is why regenerative therapy is being talked about so much in the media.

Our regenerative therapy uses young, donated healing tissue that includes many growth factors that help reduce pain and heal your injuries. These young, more vibrant cells introduced to your body are often referred to as being similar to turning back your biological clock. These treatments are designed to help your body regenerate damaged cartilage, discs, soft tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone, the synovial fluid in your joints, and so much more.

While regenerative medicine is our doctor's preferred alternative to stem cell therapy, it is important to know the difference between the two treatments. Our doctors do not perform stem cell therapy, but educate patients on it. It is our belief that the patient makes the best decision for themselves. When patients understand the available treatments, they make informed decisions.

The most common stem cell therapies use stem cells from:

  • Bone marrow
  • Adipose (fat cells)

Bone marrow transplants were the first stem cell procedures and were introduced around 1968. This procedure was revolutionary and is still used in certain applications today. The potential shortcomings in bone marrow transplants are that the process is painful and utilizes the patient's aging stem cells. The procedure to acquire the bone marrow requires that the doctor drill a hole in either the hip or femur and extract the marrow. The stem cells are then extracted from the marrow and reintroduced into the patient's body. This was big news in 1968 and helped many patients. But there are more effective and less painful ways to enjoy the effects of naturally repairing the body today.

Adipose is another stem cell treatment that you may have heard about. In this procedure, the stem cells are extracted from your fat cells. This is widely used in Canada because of governmental regulation and is still used upon occasion in the US. Many clinics shy away from adipose because the procedure uses aged stem cells, and perhaps, more importantly, the body stores many toxins in fat cells. Those toxins may have an adverse effect on the stem cell's quality, causing a far inferior outcome.

There are many types of procedures in regenerative medicine. A very powerful and effective one uses the healing potential of umbilical allografts. The healing tissue is harvested at the time of birth from tissue that would have previously been discarded. The mother and baby experience no pain or ill effects from donating this tissue. The cells in the tissue are very young and very healthy. The mother and baby have been monitored and well cared for throughout the pregnancy.

Where Do Regenerative Cells Come From?

Some regenerative cells require the harvesting of cellular tissue from the patient or a relative. These procedures are often painful and rely on aged cells to help your body heal or fight disease.

These cells are harvested only from cesarean section births. Many top regenerative medicine clinics, including ours, use these cells extensively due to their high success rate.

The Umbilical cord contains a gelatinous substance known as Wharton’s Jelly.

This substance contains mesenchymal cells, which are very effective healing cells. This tissue also has a tremendous amount of cytokines, growth factors, collagens, proteins, peptides, and numerous other components needed to regenerate injured tissue. This tissue is much different than cord blood that you may have heard spoken about.

What Can Regenerative Medicine Be Used For?

Regenerative Medicine for Pain Relief and Healing

How to Get Regenerative Medicine in Houston

Regenerative medicine is highly effective for and has helped many people avoid surgery for:

Utilizing regenerative medicine and the many growth factors from umbilical allografts are like turning your biological clock back. The best way to illustrate this is to think about how quickly children heal from injuries compared to older people. This is because they have large volumes of young, healthy cells. You can now have them too!

Amniotic fluid, another regenerative treatment, is used more for its growth factors. In addition to growth factors, amniotic fluid contains lipids, carbohydrates, cytokines, polyamides, collagen substrates, extracellular matrix molecules like hyaluronic acids, and amino acids. In addition to all of these restorative components, it also contains micronized amniotic membrane, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to help with:

  • Natural pain management
  • Aesthetic purposes, such as scar reduction and hair restoration
  • Arthritis and other joint problems
  • Spine surgery recovery
  • Treatment of slow-to-heal or chronic wounds
  • Podiatric issues
  • Sports injuries
  • And more

Dr. An is one of the world’s leading authorities in regenerative medicine protocols. She and her team at Campbell Health Center can help you understand how regenerative medicine works and will educate you as to whether it's right for you. Watch this video of Dr. An’s seminars to learn what regenerative medicine is and what regenerative medical treatments cost.

To learn more about the healing power of regenerative cellular tissue in Houston or nearby areas, call us today at (832) 243-7713 to schedule a free consultation.

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