Non Surgical, Regenerative Treatment for Joint and Nerve Pain

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Shockwave Therapy Houston

Shockwave therapy (also referred to as medical wave therapy or acoustic wave therapy) is a non-invasive treatment that introduces acoustic sound waves into the body through the skin to target specific concerns or injuries. These shockwaves are administered in slow pulses using a special handheld wand or probe.

Initially, this treatment was used to provide pain relief and promote healing without risky medications or invasive surgeries. Recently, however, it has proven successful in remedying many other conditions, such as treating erectile dysfunction, reducing the appearance of cellulite, and improving the look of stretch marks.

  • Neck or back pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Foot, heel, and ankle pain
  • Scar tissue
  • Stress fractures
  • Tendon pain
  • Hamstring pain

After a consultation and approval from one of our medical professionals, the area(s) of need will be marked off and prepped. Then, a gel is applied to the area as an interface to conduct the shock pulses from the wand. While there may be some mild discomfort or tingling during the treatment, it is completely non-invasive and lasts approximately 15-20 minutes (depending on the area of the body

Treating Pain with Shockwave Therapy

In shockwave therapy for pain management, the energy waves emitted from the handheld device increase blood flow to the trouble area, stimulating the healing process and kicking it into high gear. These soundwaves may also assist in healing chronic inflammation and stimulating collagen production, which is also beneficial in repairing the body’s ailments. Since pain relief is most successful when focusing on the root cause, this type of therapy effectively provides long-term healing responses and sustained results. Patients will typically feel results after one to two treatments, with many experiencing pain relief immediately following a session.

Treating Pain with Shockwave Therapy

More recently, acoustic wave therapy has been used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. The wand-like device uses targeted sound waves to stimulate new blood vessel growth and increase penile blood flow, necessary for erections. This is a great alternative for men who: have not responded well to medication, do not wish to take medication, or do not want to undergo more invasive treatments, such as penile implants and injections.

What to Expect During and After the Procedure

Acoustic wave therapy can be used to relieve pain stemming from a wide array of issues, including, but not limited to:

being treated and your unique condition). Patients can expect to resume normal day-to-day activities immediately following their session.

Additional benefits of shockwave therapy include:

  • No scarring
  • No risk of infection
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • High success rates
  • No need for anesthesia in most cases
  • Little to no side effects
  • Little to no downtime

If you think that shockwave therapy may be an option for you or someone you know, contact us today at (832) 243-7713 for a complimentary consultation. We are happy to find you find the right treatment or combination of treatments for your specific health and pain management goals.

May we invite you to join us for a

Complimentary Consultation?

"Here at Campbell Health Center, we are dedicated to helping you get out of pain and get back to feeling great again.

Call us and tell us about your health issues and set up a consultation to discuss the treatment that will best get you back to optimum health.

We promise to sit down with you, face to face, and be attentive, present, focused and actually listen."

Campbell Health Center
Call us now at
(832) 243-7713

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